Policy on Student Removal from Public Speaking For Teens Program

Our program is designed to provide a supportive and enriching environment for teens to develop their communication abilities. However, occasionally, circumstances arise where it becomes apparent that the program may no longer be the best fit for a particular student. In such cases, after careful consideration, we reserve the right to remove a student from the program. The decision to remove a student will not be taken lightly, and it will be based on the following reasons:

1. Consistent Disruptive Behavior: If a student constantly disrupts the learning environment, hindering the progress and experience of others, it may be necessary to reevaluate their participation in the program.

2. Failure to Meet Program Expectations: Students are expected to actively engage in program activities and adhere to the guidelines set forth. If a student consistently fails to meet these expectations, it may indicate that the program is not the optimal fit for their current needs.

3. Lack of Commitment: Regular attendance and active participation are essential for the success of the program. If a student repeatedly fails to attend sessions or demonstrates a lack of commitment, it may be in the best interest of both the student and the program to explore alternative options.

4.  Incompatibility with Program Goals: Our Public Speaking Program is designed to foster personal growth, effective communication, and a positive learning experience. If it becomes apparent that a student's goals and aspirations no longer align with the program's objectives, a discussion about the student's continued participation may be necessary.

In the event that removal from the program is deemed necessary, the program organizers will communicate openly and transparently with the student and their parents or guardians. Efforts will be made to explore alternative opportunities that may better suit the student's current needs and goals.

We understand that individual circumstances may vary, and we are committed to handling each case with sensitivity and respect. Our goal is to create an environment where every participant can thrive and reach their full potential.

Thank you for your understanding and commitment to the success of our Programs.